This is the first blog entry I have here. As I am beginning to get familiarised with this framework so this post serves as a practice area, as well as to keep all possible examples in one place.


Bullets are done as:

  • Bullet one
  • Bullet two
  • Bullet three

Numbered bullets are done as:

  1. Number one
  2. Number two
  3. Number three

Text + Emphasis

Written text in paragraph and other can be seperated into section. I am just writing this to have enough material for a paragraph to show how highlighted part of a blog works:

It is important to highlight text sometimes, so it is visible like this

In markdown, links can be done as follows: A link that opens in current opened tab: Markdown A link that opens in a new tab: Markdown


Tables are quite easy to do, here is an example:

Content Type
hello word
world word
9 integer
1.2 float


Images can be embedded/included similar to how you include links: Geometric pattern with fading gradient

Centre the image

Geometric pattern with fading gradient

Resize the image

Geometric pattern with fading gradient


Highlighting for code in Jekyll is done using Pygments or Rouge. This theme makes use of Rouge by default.

// count to ten
for i in range(10+1):

// count to twenty
for j in range(20+1):


This theme uses KaTeX to display maths. Equations such as \(S_n = a \times \frac{1-r^n}{1-r}\) can be displayed inline.

Alternatively, they can be shown on a new line:

\[f(x) = \int \frac{2x^2+4x+6}{x-2}\]

Argmin in latex: \(\underset{\mu_m, \sigma_m}{arg\,min}\)